ARK’s Head of MEAL discusses her transition from the Army to ARK

This year, Armed Forces Day has auspiciously fallen on my six-month anniversary from leaving regular service as a British Army Officer. It feels fitting to reflect during this annual nationwide celebration of service personnel on my transition to ‘civvie street’ as the Head of Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) at ARK.  

The transition into the international development sector seemed like a logical choice as I had enjoyed working in Defence Engagement roles. During my 7 years of service, I was lucky to experience operational deployments at a time when the military was increasingly used to prevent conflict, build stability and to promote the UK as a force for good in the world. The transferable skills I gained from the military have been immeasurably valuable during my time at ARK. Yet it is the institutional knowledge of the security sector that has enabled me to add value where I may not have anticipated. 

ARK is currently delivering a Government of Canada funded project that aims to enhance security and stability through increasing gender mainstreaming within the Jordanian Public Security Directorate. The awareness and knowledge I had gained from being a gender advisor and from undertaking infantry skills training within the British Army has seamlessly slotted into my new role within the civilian world. I underestimated the value and transferability of the knowledge, skills and experiences I had gained in the British Army. Having remained as a reservist, the skills that I have gained in my role at ARK and in the British Army will continue to complement one another. 

For more information on available ARK’s work or the roles that are currently being recruited, please visit   


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